Monday, April 7, 2008

He's Gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, (big sigh.......) Ben is gone.... two time zones away. And I am all alone. (sign) I am such a big baby. I tell other people my situation and they do one of three things. They a) say " Oh, I would LOVE for my husband to leave for five weeks. I would love to be alone! I would send him packing!" - I, in turn, look at them, knowing what kind of relationship they must have or come to the conclusion they have been married for a thousand years and just don't care. Or b) They look at me with this "feminist ideology" look and say" Oh, you will be fine- you can do just fine on your own without him!" Thus my response being- Yes, I know I can, remember I lived alone for almost four years by myself, two of those years in a different state, supporting myself. Yes, I am an independent woman still and have a career, but can't a wife love and miss her husband and want to be with him anymore these days? Hmmm..... OR c) I get the very appreciated "I hope you are okay. That must be tough and I hope you keep busy and we should get together."

So, I have began to deeply clean my house and have little projects planned around the yard/ house. Also, our very best friends had their baby on Sunday morning, so I am going to go meet Camden this evening. I am also training for a 5 mile run and between that and everything else- FOUR weeks ( that's right, he found out last night when he got there, it is only going to take him FOUR weeks) will go by relatively fast- AND I am still going to go to Ohio for the weekend in a couple of weeks. So, I will post pictures of my new "son" Vasko, a huge German Shepherd when Ben sends me some and some pictures of my house projects!

1 comment:

3boys'mom said...

I fall into the "c" category!!! I, too, MISS my hubby when he's gone, and he's only gone a few days at a time! It would be so BAD if you were glad he was gone! Hang in there!!!!