Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Freedom Isn't Free- We remember 9/11

For those of you who do not know what a black band over a police officer's or firefighter's badge is, it is called a mourning band. It signifies a memorial to a fallen brother or sister. Today is the sixth anniversary of 9/11. My husband is working for the U.S. Marshall's today ( he is a part time Marshall), so I couldn't get a picture of his uniform badge and mourning band, so I found this one on the internet. It's days like today when I remember 9/11 that I am so proud of my husband and what he does.

For all of the fallen officers of the NYPD, we salute you.


Kate said...

Hey Sara,
I really appreciated your post on 9/11. Thanks for the reminder, and we hope you guys can come our way soon. :)
Love, Kate

Anonymous said...

I loved this post, I just wasn't able to comment before now. I hope we never forget the sobriety of the day and the lives lost that day. Thank you for this post.