Monday, March 24, 2008

That time has come.........but we aren't talking about it...yet....

This is what I have been feeling like for the past week- and I am sure for the next few weeks to come. It has come the time for dear hubby to pack up his patrol truck and leave his wifey and puppy behind to go get his new partner and K-9. I keep telling Ben we aren't talking about it- cuz that means he's really leaving me for FIVE weeks! His K-9 handler school begins April 7th. in Ohio. I feel quite childish as the picture shows- for he will only be gone for five weeks. Still- in the almost four years I have known him, the longest we have been apart is six days. I have so much admiration for military wives. To think that while their husbands are fighting for my freedom, they are all alone, paying bills, raising children, sleeping all alone. And I thought going to bed alone four nights a week was bad. Hmmmm. Well, I will have my job to keep me busy and Spring is almost here. I know it is here on the calender- but it is almost here in Montana. My lawn is greening more and more each day and the days get a bit longer.

Ben is VERY excited to go. I can't get sad that he is going because it has always been his dream to be a K-9 officer- so he continues to love his job more and more.

In other news..... It's that time again! Spring Training has come and gone and Go Boston! Opening Day is TOMORROW!!!!!!! Let the road to the 2008 World Series Begin!

I went to the neurologists last Thursday and I have been put on a daily migraine medication. Hopefully- this will drastically reduce the number of migraines that I have. This month already I went 11 days straight with a migraine before I was crying calling my mom, begging her to take me to the ER for relief. (Ben was out of town) Thus- I was referred to a nuero doc.

Oh, and....I did book a trip to Ohio to see Ben for one weekend while he is gone. Remember the picture? Yep- that's me- I pouted and got my way.... So- I guess, I only have to go 3 weeks without seeing my favorite person.

Our Easter was good- we stayed home and enjoyed the little sunshine we had a took Quincy for a walk.

This weekend we will most likely go shopping for some things Ben needs to take with him to Ohio-........ But we aren't talking about it yet

1 comment:

Crystal & Warner said...

I hear ya!
Warner & I have been married for two years and one week and we have yet to spend a night apart. I know that sometime in the next 50+ years that there might come a time that we will have to be apart BUT I'm not going to talk/think about it now. (Cause like you I'm not looking forward to it, either.)