Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We are still Here, I Promise

Hey Everyone! We are still here! It has been a busy couple of weeks. Ben has been busy at work with Vasko- The Crime Fighting Duo- as I refer to them.

I quit my job! Hooray for me!!!!! And took 10 days of vacation! More Hooray!!!! And then started my new job! Boooooooo. No- I love my new job. It makes me sooooooo happy! I get to 1) pick my hours 2) work from home part of the time 3) travel and 4) use my fancy schmancy degree 5) benefits!!! Now the Hoorays!!!!

Today is day #3! So far, I have been on the phone and computer a lot and reading! But, man of man- the stress level is about 1/4 of what my old job was- my nearest supervisor is 60 miles away, and contacts me via my, are you ready, 1) company cell phone 2) company laptop via email!!

okay- enough with that!

Over the vacation I: cleaned my house, planted 77 flowers (yes, I counted), stained two decks, painted 1 porch, painted the eaves on my house, mowed the forest in my back yard, ate a lot of grilled cow (yummm), roasted marshmallows with a 3 year old ( the best part), and slept in. Yes, it was nice.

So, you see, I really didn't take a lot of pictures, but it has rained and rained and rained here! In fact, it is raining right now! So, I will try and take some and get back to everyone later!

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