Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Farewell..... The last 4th of July at the Butte Wulf's

Let me begin this post by saying that Ben's grandparents were born and raised in Butte, along with his parents. Due to illness and personal decisions to be closer to the doctors, Ben's grandparents decided to sell their place they have lived in for 50 years. This was very hard for them to do, and hard for all of us to witness. We all gathered in Butte for one last hur-rah! for the Butte Fourth of July and the Wulfs!

Now these pictures will be in no particular order, so please bare with me.... This is Grandma and Grandpa Wulf, sitting on their back porch, just three days before they closed, and had to be out for good. Remember they raised all their kids here and their grandkids visited them in this home...
This is Ben, playing with Vasko at his other grandparents' and aunt's house... The Mahoney's Bradley and Caden... Best Buddies......... Most of the time........ They are boys...
My lazy Sister Erin, lounging

All the cousins playing on Uncle T's boat. Yes, Eric loves his sister, Brittany

No Fourth of July would be complete without the Red Pants!!!! Gram and Gramp at the Parade.

Bradley, trying to be like his uncle Ben..... (note flag in hat..... see pic below)

Sarah and Mike


Uncle Ben!!! He looks impressed with me doesn't he...

If there are no beds to sleep on, we sleep in the chairs........ "E"

And on the floor..... Hailey and Andy

Bradley, snuggling up at the fireworks..... It was raining that night!

Andy- My favorite, who loves Bobo ( me )

Ashley, Bradley, and Heather at the fireworks

Janet- Wearing her Beatles Sweatshirt in honor of Papa, who couldn't come...... Boooo Hoooo She's also smiling because she HADN'T broken any ribs yet- that was still about 36 hours away.... it was a weekend full of injuries... we had broken toes, sprained knees, broken ribs, skin infections, and migraines....An awesome picture at Sunset of Butte from the Wulf's property

a very "stylin" Heather

And Quincy, My baby... She was a good girl

More of the view from the back yard.

I love the pond and the gallace frame in the background in this picture.

A lot of memories were made at 202 Greenwood..........

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