Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Winter has come to Montana.....

Looking down Main St. in Red Lodge this morning- after a few plows had made their way through. Red Lodge received 12 inches of snow last night. We probably got about 6-8 at home. It took me a lot longer to get to work this morning. But the Subaru did beautiful! So glad we invested in an all wheel drive car! This is the view out in front of my office at the Courthouse this morning. This is the County Explorer that we drive.

Look at the snow still on the top of this Dodge truck after it had driven 4 miles into town!

Winter is here.... No more 60 degree November days that we were having!


3boys'mom said...

Wow! Winter Wonderland! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Sure do enjoy your blog!

Kate said...

aWe heard on the radio that Missoula had lots of snow! It looks like you guys had a big storm too! Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving...